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AURORA Pilates

My name is Charlotte and I am passionate about guiding my clients around the hurdles their lives (and bodies!) put between them and their fitness goals. I have experienced a number of setbacks on my own fitness journey and draw upon these experiences along with my Pilates training to get my client's to where they want to be.

I discovered Pilates following a dance injury as a teenager which left me with a bulging disc in my lumbar spine and chronic back pain. After being referred to a local Pilates instructor and attending a private session, I felt muscles fire up I never knew existed and left in less pain than I had arrived in. This flicker of hope encouraged me to take up weekly classes and practice every single day at home. Many months of Pilates classes, home practice and regular physiotherapy appointments later, my bulging disc had healed and I was finally pain free. Fast forward through eleven years of regular strength training, HIIT and Pilates to 2022 when I gave birth to my son. My pregnancy was tough, lots of trips to the hospital and my workout regime was massively reduced because I felt far too unwell to carry on with it. I continued to practice Pilates whenever I felt I could and committed to being kind to myself postnatally, taking the time to allow my body to heal and recover. While I suffered a lot mentally and physically during my pregnancy, I am thankful that it reminded me how it feels to be a beginner. I have found that carving out time in my schedule to prioritise my own health and mental wellbeing allows me to edge a little closer to being the mum, wife, daughter and friend that I want to be. We need to fill our own cups before we can fill other people's! Following maternity leave, I am so excited to be returning to teaching and helping clients old and new to prioritise their bodies as well as their minds. I like to keep classes fun and light-hearted, I don't take myself too seriously and love to crack a joke here and there (although I can't guarantee the quality of these) in order to distract from those screaming abdominals! My classes are suitable for all fitness levels and abilities.

I am a Body Control Pilates qualified instructor and am dedicated to guiding my clients towards optimal movement patterns, stronger muscles, improved bone density, increased mobility and better posture! I wouldn't be doing my job if I wasn't holding my clients accountable for their progress.
With this in mind, my classes are bookable as six week blocks. This is to encourage you to commit to prioritising yourself and allows the group to progress together. You need to show up for yourself each week in order to see the results you're working towards!
For further information, head to my website
or email me on with any questions.
Alternatively, feel free to pick up the phone for a chat, my number is 01603 339140."
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